meet molly.
of my three sisters, she and i are most often mistaken for each other. far more often that she would like i am sure. i don’t mind because i pretend they definitely think i look nine years younger.
i remember very vague details of my first two sisters’ births but i remember molly’s well. i proudly wore my it’s a girl sticker to school and positioned my jacket just so, so that everyone who walked on the bus after me could see it. though we were all rooting for a brother, we forgot this immediately upon seeing the pink balloon tied to the mailbox. there is nothing like sisters.
molly is almost a decade younger than me. i started high school when she started kindergarten. the kindergarten was actually attached to the high school. once a week, molly’s class had to walk into the high school for PE. it just so happened that i had a passing period at the same time that required me to be in the same hallway. every week i couldn’t wait to see her at school, even if just for a minute.
molly and i have always gotten along well. with such an age gap, we had little to argue about. molly has always been cheerful, easy going, creative, and thoughtful. these days, she feels far less like a little sister and more like a friend. that could have something to do with the fact that she is taller than me. but it’s probably because she is so funny, passionate, easy to be around, stylish, positive, spontaneous, and genuinely nice. i am proud to call her my sister and so happy she is sharing today for…
ntlt friday friends
welcome molly!
here is molly’s list for 5.12.17
1. referring to brian for the first time with confidence as, “my husband.” it took six months, but i finally broke my habit of stumbling through an intro like “oh, um, so, this is Brian, my, um, husband?…” husbands are something grown ups have! does this mean i’m a grown up?
2. my standing desk at work. in mean, i definitely cheat a lot and end up sitting down for the last couple hours of the day, but it at least makes me feel like i’m being healthy. basically like running a marathon, right?
3. burrowing into my duvet the first night of sleep with the air conditioning on full blast.
4. fresh flowers. i’m pretty lousy at making them last, but they make me smile every time i see them in our house!
5. brian begging me to buy more mrs. meyers cleaning products in peony scent because, as he yelled to me while cleaning up from dinner, “this pink spray thing under the sink is a GREAT smell! the bottle says it’s a limited edition scent! we gotta stock up before it’s too late!”
6. playing quiplash and laughing until i cry with my best friend from childhood, shannon, at a joke no one else seems to get. 27 years of friendship later and we both still have the same quirky sense of humor.
7. being so proud of my mom as she presented information to our family about strengths finder. i’d be happy with half the poise and confidence she has while addressing a crowd.
8. a friday night that transitions from “a quiet night in” to a night of playing ‘ello gov’nah and rocket league with friends until 3 in the morning. sure, it was tough to wake up the next day, but worth it in the end.
9. counting down the days until brian and i go to vegas while mentally packing and asking myself on repeat, can you really ever have TOO many sequins in vegas?
10. and last, but FAR from least…meeting my dear friend jen’s son—the handsome, snuggly, and oh-so-loved hank. jen and her husband chris have been persevering in faith for years to adopt. when i see the way hank responds to his mom’s voice, i am further reminded of the importance of taking time to notice the LITTLE things through all of life’s ups and downs.
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Beautiful Little Things Molly! Thanks for the shout-out! Love you much!