1. remembering to change to the HD channels when appropriate (i often forget to do this, much to keven's dismay).
2. watching butler do so well...go bulldogs!
3. seemingly bottomless m & m's hidden in our easter basket grass.
4. nick giving us running hugs when he hasn't seen us ...
Read More about the LITTLE things april 2nd
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the LITTLE things april 1st
1. april fool's day being caitlin's favorite holiday and getting keven really good since caitlin is in town to visit.
2. going to a spring training baseball game (and steven bringing his mitt in case a fly ball came our way).
3. looking forward to welcoming such a great brother in law into ...
Read More about the LITTLE things april 1st
the LITTLE things march 31st
1. the last day of the month because that means my budget starts all over tomorrow.
2. flights that take off on time.
3. dad treating caitlin and me to starbucks and then giving us each $10 to go out to ice cream in florida.
4. take your daughter to work day (even though you are in your ...
Read More about the LITTLE things march 31st

the LITTLE things march 30th
1. waking up to my sister asking to go on a walk instead of my alarm.
2. panera's you pick two and dipping your bread into your soup.
3. straight grill lines on the meat you are cooking.
4. watching a baby elephant on the nature channel.
5. toddlers doing the same thing over and over ...
Read More about the LITTLE things march 30th
the LITTLE things march 29th
1. getting pinched by my sister in the middle of the night because i was hogging the bed and her not remembering in the morning at all.
2. going on a walk with my mom and sister.
3. finding a pair of shoes for work that are cute and comfortable.
4. lunch conversation with david and ...
Read More about the LITTLE things march 29th
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